Volunteer With Us

PahadiDirect and Gene Campaign offer you opportunities to come to Devbhoomi Uttarakhand, the abode of the devtas who live in the snow capped Himalayan ranges. Come and volunteer your time, skills , pair of hands…whatever… to contribute to our joint efforts to do something that will help the mountains and its people. Perhaps you would like to come and organize some homestays in village homes. Or run a program on waste management ( they really are ruining this beautiful land with garbage, specially plastic, tetrapacks and aluminum packaging).

Are you good with a camera? Maybe you want to make a photo document of the flora, the trees, the local architecture, the children, their parents…anything really. Would you like to help plant nutrition gardens in village homes so that families get fresh vegetables ( in short supply) ? Perhaps you would work with Gene Campaign and help to set up  rainwater tanks that will support the vegetable gardens when water is scarce.

There are so many fun things you can do when you come to make a contribution to the wellbeing of the Pahad. You can lay back and breathe the cool mountain air, eat the peaches and apricots off the trees, go for long walks, paint pictures, meditate and find yourself again.  Great bird watching too, by the way.

Contact us:

Gene Campaign
Village Orakhan, PO Nathuakhan
Ramgarh, Nainital

Phones: +91 75794 38993;  +91 9899161033;
